So. When I started this Substack, I was lazy*. I named it “Lisa’s Substack”.
It’s since come to my attention that there are very many Lisas on Substack who were similarly lazy, and if you Google “Lisa’s Substack”, you can see just how many.
So I’m changing the name of the blog. To what, I’m not sure. I used to have a blog on Blogger called “Lamrot Hakol” (Despite Everything), which is still there, even though I don’t use it any more. I briefly had another one there called “Tipot BaYam” (Drops in the Sea), which was supposed to be about Torah thoughts. It’s there as well, but I haven’t even looked it it for ages. Now that I have, I see that there was only ever a single post. Meh.
I have articles up on my website, and I had a great many Notes on Facebook until the bastards hid them. They’re supposedly still accessible. Somehow. <eyeroll>
But I thought it would be interesting to throw the floor open to those of you who read this Substack. What are your suggestions for a name? The comments are open, so have at it.
*I do not mean to imply that this was the only time I was lazy, or that my being lazy was something exceptional or worthy of comment. Those of you who know me know how silly that would be.
A name for your blog - the word 'Acidophilous' came to mind
Maybe also connect your social media. Put a link to your twitter on your substack. Put a link to your substack on your other two blogs, etc.