Back in 2017, there were articles about the release of a book called “P is for Palestine”. A children’s book of propaganda. I was appalled at the time, and I’m still appalled.
So when I heard about Khinzer Qatal and his new book “‘P’ is for Terrorist”, I was excited. I reached out to the author and arranged an interview. As you do.
Full disclosure, I want people to buy this book. So I’m not a disinterested party.
The book is a short one. And it’s in the style of a children’s alphabet book. But it tells the truth about things that you rarely hear people of Qatal’s nation tell the truth about. The introduction to the book says it all, I think:
The truth’s not our strong suit
It never will be
But here are some truths for you now,
A to Z
If you’d rather have lies
That will make you feel fine
Check out something called
“P is for”, er… “Palestine”
But if you want truth
Well, then just this one time
I’ll give it to you
In a slim book of rhyme
It may make you angry
It may make you frown
It may turn your world
Just a bit upside-down
But maybe plain truth
(Though a bit tongue-in-cheek)
Will give you a guide
To the answers you seek
Without further ado
If you’ll listen to me
I’ll start truthing with A
And I’ll go until Z
That should give you a sense of where this book is going. And go, it does. From A, as the introduction says, through Z, telling one truth after another. Here, with grudging permission, is the entry for the letter L:
The book contains things you won’t hear in the media. Things you won’t hear from official spokesmen. Things… things that you have to know about them if you’re going to make any kind of informed decision about which side you support.
Our interview was done over the phone, because Qatal is understandably afraid of the backlash he’s liable to get for writing this. He claimed it was because he was too busy to show up in person, but I think that was more of an excuse.
So, Mr. Qatal, can you tell our readers why you wrote this book?
He cackled and said:
That’s the beauty, you see
All our lies are not needed
You’ll lie to yourselves
’Til the day you’re defeated.
You think people won’t take this seriously? That they’ll delude themselves into thinking it doesn’t actually reflect the way you and your people think?
You know they’ll claim I’m just
A Zionist plant
You think you’ll convince them I’m not—
But you can’t.
I’m sorry, but are you going to answer everything I ask you in rhyme?
But torturing Jews is
A game that I like
I know this annoys you
You miserable… Jew.
Maybe I’ll just hang up on you, then. Go try annoying someone else.
We both know you wouldn’t
Compadre, amigo
Just getting this interview
Plays to your ego.
Fine. Then tell me this. Why bother with a book? Why bother with the interview? After all, there’s nothing in the book that isn’t already obvious to those of us paying attention.
Ah, but paying attention’s the key
Don’t you see
If the world paid attention
Who’d care about me?
It’s all about honor
Which you people lack
When it comes to honor, girl
You don’t know jack.
The things I describe in this book
Would be vile
But done for our honor?
We’d die with a smile.
There’s nothing honorable about raping young girls, baking babies in ovens, and torturing the innocent, you sicko. You’re just trying to make excuses for your monstrous atrocities.
We need no excuses
We know that we’re right
And we know that you’re too weak
To put up a fight.
You’ve fought for much longer
Than we saw you doing
But your need for approval
Will still be your ruin.
You need to be seen as
Our moral superiors
You won’t wipe us out
Because “that’s for inferiors”.
“Not us!” you all cry.
“Our morals forbid it!
After all, it was wrong
When our enemies did it!”
You’ll cling to your “mercy”
And puff out your chest
And boast, while you do it,
That you’re just the best.
But would Europe’s behavior
Have been so taboo
If you’d done a mere fraction
Of what we’ve done to you?
When you say that your morals
Forbid you to act
You admit that we’re innocent
That’s just a fact.
So spare me your pointless
And vain protestations
We’ll see you removed
From the roster of nations!
And that, friends, was about all I could stomach. Regardless of what he said, I wasn’t going to put up with that kind of drivel any more, so I hung up. I’m reporting it here, because I think it should be heard. The same reason I’m selling copies of the book that he wrote (with profits going to me, and not him). You need to understand the evil we’re up against and stop deluding yourselves that half measures will suffice.
Here’s the front and back cover of the book. You can order a physical copy here (for now; who knows how long it’ll last there) for only $12.64, plus whatever shipping they charge. For those of you who live in Israel and don’t want to deal with crazy shipping fees, I’m working on a way to make it available locally. And in the meantime, you can buy it as a PDF ebook for only $3 or ₪10 paid directly to my PayPal account. Just go to and you’ll see this screen:
Click send, and on the next page, fill in the amount and currency you want to pay. Let me know that you want a copy of the book emailed to you by saying so in the “What’s this for” box, and make sure you include that email address as well.
And remember: the truth matters. Even if it offends you, it matters a lot.