Moshe left this #1 threat out. The one that shoved Oslo and Gaza retreat down Israel's throat.

America Convinces Israel to Commit Suicide

The bogus friend and backtabbing ally has played Israel like a fiddle.


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The devil unleashed Israel into the world!! Free Palestine from Jewish Nazis 🇵🇸 ☮️

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An article summarizing the convening of the committee and the instead forming of the knesset giving itself power instead of creating the constitution?

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Einat is the only leftist affiliations that I respect because from her voice they are defensible views and the older I get I contemplate maybe I'm not so anti-left but anti-people who embraced the left who suck and use it for power grabbing.

Natan Sharansky got out of politics why?

I'll read your times article now, thank you.

The herding of cats mentality amongst the Jews is unfathomably disruptive divisive and dirty in and of itself and I acknowledge and commend you and anyone standing up against the mishigoss

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Einat Wilf is where politically?

Natan Sharansky gets it but doesn't participate politically.

Thank you for transcribing,

Moshe's content is directed inward and I get that but I lament as a 59-year-old American Jew how Hebrew was not inculcated into our population post 1948.🤷

I'm all for take a stand strong Israel dayenuism no more tolerating the intolerable as I recall that in 1956 after the British recruited Israel and France to retake oil in Sinai by Nasser after nationalization in Sinai and men were on the ground accomplishing the mission Eisenhower announced publicly that he was going to crash the pound if the British didn't get out.

There's invasion plans on the books for Israel at West point and elsewhere and how much of the IDF protectorate class is wexner indoctrinated?

It's been intellectually indulgent and satisfying to sympathize with Netanyahu and pragmatic to be aware of the nefarious relationship of America with Israel, reading perfidy and John loftus gave me perspective 30 years ago.

Barry Chamish back then was in introduction point along with Rav Kahane whose mother I got to meet.

When I brought up Moshe to a more erudite than most nearly kahanist frum crowd they dismissed him as being pro pot but I'm sensing many of these chat groups are fed fed and called them on it but they go quiet for a while and then start saying rowdy crazy disruptive misdirecting change the subject redirects which brings us back to how to bring to fruition to change that is wanted and needed without being occupied more fully by the deep state kaplanists than currently. Francisco Gil White would be a terrific foreign spokesperson to point out the obvious.

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Einat is a leftist. A strong leftist. I don't know how much her views have changed since this war started, but I've heard her say that it was okay for the right wing to be in power, so long as they were moderated by the left wing "grownups". But that an entirely right wing government is essentially theft of the country. The contempt she has for the right is despicable.

That said, it's very rare that I read something that makes me change my views. I'm coming up on 62 years old this year, and I can count the number of times that's happened without taking off my shoes.

Reading her book The War of Return (https://amzn.to/4gZi6gR) did that. I had been pushing a three state solution for the problems here (as second choice to kicking the enemy out and being done with it), and reading her book taught me that they really, truly, don't want a state. They only want to destroy ours.

You're right about the IDF brass. They are all educated in the Pentagon, and only those who have bought into Oslo lock, stock, and barrel are eligible to become part of the upper echelon. The US effectively occupies the Kirya (IDF HQ in Tel Aviv).

After the last election, I was so sure that Netanyahu wouldn't form a fully right wing government that I wrote a piece called "Bibi thinks we're idiots (and he's probably right)". (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/bibi-thinks-were-idiots-and-hes-probably-right/)

I was wrong. And I've been very impressed with the extent to which he's stood up against US and world pressure. He hasn't been perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought he'd fold over a year ago. So kudos to him. But this deal crossed a line.

I was involved with Zehut last time around. I ran in the primaries and wound up number 81 on their list (honorary position only). My life has been so hectic lately that I haven't been able to do it this time around. But this needed to be translated.

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Einat from yesterday morning

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Lisa, thank you for this.

My guess, however, is that you'd best temper your enthusiasm.

The problem is not which party rules the Knesset, or which Prime Minister forms a majority in the Knesset.

The problem is the Knesset.

NOT voting -- in numbers that show we're fed up with the abomination of democracy -- is the only way we'll convince Hashem to send us a king.

That is reality.

That is realism.

That is the only realistic solution to end the Erev Rav rule that is destroying us.

What comes of Feiglin and all his efforts will be nothing but bitterness and humiliation.

Not because he is bad or has bad intentions.

Rather, because G-d hates ALL those who give tokef to the illegitimate governing body that is delaying the Redeemer from taking his rightful place.

G-d have mercy.

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You don't try to coerce God. That's worse than even what the Erev Rav is doing.

Maybe we shouldn't have supported the kings after David. After all, they screwed up over and over.

I'm sorry, Dean, but לא בשמים היא. Emuna without hishtadlut is lazy, and simply sitting back and washing your hands of things while we have the ability to act to improve the situation is negligent.

The Knesset *is* an illegitimate governing body, but that's because they seized power when they were supposed to be creating a constitution. The State of Israel is *not* an illegitimate entity. It's a vehicle. And like any vehicle, it's neither good nor bad. Depends who's driving.

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I'm unaware of the knesset being an illegitimate governing body, lean much more so towards the supreme Court with itself appointing legacy operational make it up as we go along and take more power approach. Is there a summation of the knesset power taking that took place and what was the event and how can I read more about it? Oh I've read is that it's a choke point controlled by party leaders controlled by knesset leaders controlled by elsewhere and somewhat out of control but occasionally effective.

Toda raba

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<sigh> Both are illegitimate. It's a sad story. In the Declaration of Independence, we committed to convening an assembly to write a constitution. When they sat down to do it, they decided it was too hard, and announced that they were the first Knesset.

David Ben Gurion said, "A new constitution will tie the hands of the legislators", as if that wasn't the whole point of a constitution.

Since then, the Knesset has been sovereign in Israel. Not the people. The Knesset. No one really cared about that so long as the left was in control. But once the right started winning, the left panicked. They created basic laws called "A person's honor and liberty" and "freedom of employment" and passed them with 32 out of 120 Knesset members. But those laws require 80 Knesset members to amend or repeal them. I call that a coup. The coup was made worse when Aharon Barak decreed that you no longer need standing to go before the High Court, and that "everything is justicable". He himself called it a judicial revolution.

The coup got even worse with the creation of a high commissar called the Legal Advisor to the Government (mistranslated often as Attorney General). No one in the government can defend themselves in the High Court with any lawyer other than the LAG. And if the LAG doesn't want to defend you, you don't get a defense.

A lot of this is Netanyahu's fault. Most of this slow motion coup happened on his watch. All he had to do was say, "No, the LAG doesn't have that power. Go stuff it," and that would have been that. All he had to do was say, "No, the High Court doesn't get to meddle in affairs of state," and that would have been that.

But he didn't. Because he was afraid of being called names. And now he's reaping the whirlwind.

The Judicial Reform isn't something Netanyahu wanted. It's something he was forced into by his right wing coalition partners who ran on the issue. And the whole judicial reform thing is a case of זו טריפה וזו נבילה. Both sides suck. One side wants the Knesset to be sovereign, and the other side wants the High Court to be sovereign. And while you can make a case that the Knesset is at least elected every now and then, while the High Court essentially chooses its own members, the fact is that in a free country, the sovereign is the people. Not the rulers.

And that's what we have in this country, regardless of which side wins. Rulers. Not leaders, but rulers.

I've been part of a group for the past couple of years that's working on a constitution for the State of Israel that will fix these (and other) issues. One that does not address any political issues. Just determines the structure of the government, with checks and balances, as a constitution should do. Every attempt to write a constitution here over the past 76 years has been ideologically based. But a constitution isn't a club to whack your opponents on the head with. That's not what it's for.

And yes, you're right about the Knesset being a choke point. Representative democracy means we don't all vote on everything. We vote for representatives. But we don't vote for Knesset members. We vote for parties. And that means that Knesset members have zero accountability to the people. That's an untenable state of affairs. I get that it's how parliamentary systems work, but it's exceedingly undemocratic, and not fit for a free people.

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Excellent summation and

Oy vey²

Was only aware of the Barak power grab with the supreme Court but not the ben gurion don't constrain with a constitution. And the additional multi-levels of players and constricting rules applied only to Netanyahu and the right which aren't that right politically targeting them consistently examples being good people being torn off good land for the sake of cameras...

Only the American Constitution has the balance power despite other constitutions existing Nations tyranny expands. And obviously even with the American Constitution overreach occurs and drek decisions by the American supreme Court are consistent with occasional lapses of positivity.

Would the end result of netanyahu's supreme Court reform have been nothing?

Have you written an article setting up the mishigoss nahrshkeit trifecta ?

Hope this was readable, and appreciate your writing and perspective

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The new constitution we're making is based on the framework of the US constitution, but it fixes some of the problems with that document. For example, the fact that there's no way for anyone but state legislatures or Congress to initiate an amendment is crazy. The lack of term limits for congresscritters, too.

The reform would have been effective. But the result wouldn't have been great. I mean... it would have in the short term. But the first law of politics is that whatever powers you seize for yourself, your enemies will be able to use against you one day.

The "mishigoss nahrischkeit trifecta"? I'm not sure what you mean.

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TBH I wrote that before I fell asleep and I'm not sure on the context either but you explain things brilliantly and I wish you much success going forward with your family and getting Israel fortified in all ways against the enemies within and without

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