Piers Morgan, who has vast resources of information at his disposal, cannot claim to be ignorant of the facts. But he can — and does — pretend that he doesn’t know things, because that “lack of information” allows him to slander those he dislikes.
Notice that the source said “Israel is cutting off its electricity supply to Gaza.” But Morgan says it’s wrong that Israel has the power to do it.
So what’s the implication here? Clearly, that Israel is somehow interfering either with Gaza production of electricity, or Gaza receiving electricity from some other source. Egypt, say. Maybe Jordan. Maybe the electricity fairy.
One astute reader, not realizing that Piers was pretending not to know where the electricity was actually coming from, drew the correct parallel between Israel supplying electricity to Gaza and the Allies supplying Nazi Germany.
See how he pretends to believe that we’re cutting the supply from some anonymous supplier of electricity (say, the aforementioned electricity fairy) to Gaza. How dare we! What gives us that right?!
There is zero chance that Piers Morgan is unaware that because the Gazans refuse to build electrical plants to supply electricity for themselves (after all, that’s building materials that could be used for tunnels, and electronics that could be used for rockets to fire at civilians), Israel has, out of the goodness of its heart and the softness of its brain, been supplying Israeli-generated electricity to Gaza.
Israel has been Gaza’s lifeline. Not out of any actual obligation, but because we thought that improving the lives of the people in Gaza might dissuade them from trying to, you know, wipe us off the planet. And by “we”, I do not include myself, or any number of other sane Israelis. I refer, rather, to the neurotic and nationally-suicidal “leaders” of the country. (See above: “the softness of its brain”)
Gaza wouldn’t have been able to prosecute their war of obliteration against us without our help. October 7, in that sense, was probably the biggest own-goal in history. So far, that is. Our (mis)leaders aren’t quite done yet. Or perhaps that should be (mal)leaders.
We issued them tens of thousands of work permits, allowing them into Israel so that they could work here and bring money back to Gaza. What we didn’t realize, and what anyone with two brain cells to rub together should have realized, was that they were going to bring back a helluva lot more than money. Like intelligence. Like where guns were located in the towns around Gaza. Like who had dogs in Gaza. Like all of the weaknesses that were exploited on October 7. And they pretended friendship to the mushyheaded leftists who lived near Gaza while they did it. The mushyheads never saw it coming. Their metaphorical bleeding hearts became literal bleeding hearts. They died stunned that the people they’d bent over backwards to help were doing exactly what evil people do to those who bend over backwards. Or forwards.
But I digress. You all know of the perfidity and evil of the Gazans. You all know that it’s a matter of honor for them, and that nothing will ever make them back down from it. You know that the (mal)leadership of Israel is too stupid to stop repeating the same mistakes. And if you don’t know those things, you’re a recent subscribee, and I recommend that you go back and read my earlier articles.
The issue here is Piers Morgan. The issue is this little man who enjoys bashing Israel, and pretends ignorance of the facts in order to do it. Over and over and over again.
As I said, there is zero chance that he doesn’t know we’re only cutting off the gifts we’ve been giving them. There’s also zero chance of him ever acknowleding that his accusations were baseless and evil.
Those thinking with their hearts , ie. the liberal Jews of America, are among Israel’s greatest foes. Voting against their own interests is something I’ll never understand.
I don’t listen to him anymore. He loves the shouting and the quote-unquote “discussions “ that make us all wiser. He’s found his niche in “debates” for lots and lots of viewers. No. Finished.