After my article about why “Bring them home” is wrong, and “Let them go” is right, Dean Maughvet responded with “There's Nothing Wrong With "Bring Them Home"”. And he makes some valid points. Yes, of course this is all our own fault. Dean blames the government, but that doesn’t go far enough. We voted them in, after all.
Within the current paradigm, the onus should be on the scum who took our people, and not on our leadership. But it’s that paradigm itself that’s rotten. It’s acculturated and assimilated and bears no relation to what a Jewish nation should be doing and how it should be acting.
In the book of Ezekiel, God says that He’s going to return us to our land. Why? Because we deserve it? Because He’s going to have mercy on us? No. Because our being in exile, under the boot of the nations of the world, is a desecration of His name.
I scattered them among the nations and judged them according to what they did there. And being in exile was a desecration of My holy Name, because people said, "These are God's people, but they're in exile." So I took pity on My holy Name. So listen: I'm not doing this for you, O Jews. I'm doing it to stop the desecration of My holy Name. So I'm going to bring you back out of all those countries, back to your land. And I'll let you become a new kind of people, with a spine. And you'll keep my commandments and live in Israel, and I'll be with you.
That’s a very rough paraphrase of Ezekiel 36:19-28. The point of God bringing us home was to stop the incredibly profanity of the nations of the world walking all over us. Walking all over God’s people.
And here we are, pretending that we’re no different than any other nation, and allowing the most horrendous atrocities to be committed against us, and limiting our response to what the rest of the world will approve of.
It’s infuriating. And it’s insulting to God and to the entire history of our people.
Was it our fault that the un-nation of “Palestinians” committed a minor Holocaust on October 7, 2023? It most certainly is. We gave them the Gaza Strip in 2005. We ethnically cleansed almost ten thousand innocent men, women, and children in order to do so. That crime demands recompense, not an iota of which has been given.
They started firing rockets at us, literally the day after we left, and we allowed it. We’ve given them the impression that we’re weaklings and cowards. And do you know why they have that impression? Because when you act like weaklings and cowards, that’s how people see you. They don’t respect you. They feel empowered to commit atrocities against you.
Oh, hell, yes. Was Oct 7 our fault? Forget the perfidy and incompetence that made it possible. That perfidy and incompetence happened within a paradigm that said we are strangers in our own land. Invaders in our indigenous homeland. Occupiers of the scum who colonized our land 14 centuries ago, over our bodies.
In 1993, with the Oslo Accords, we created this situation. We affirmed, legally, that this land is not ours. That we are invaders, and that the only reason we can’t leave is that woe is us, we have nowhere else to go. And since we’re stuck here, we have to keep the Arab squatters from murdering us, but only just enough that we don’t all die. Heaven forfend that we should assert our ownership and kick the real occupiers the hell out of our land.
There isn’t a single politician in the current political arena who has any intention, or even any desire to do anything differently. Not Itamar Ben Gvir. Not Betzalel Smotrich. And certainly not Benjamin Netanyahu.
Don’t get me wrong. Netanyahu is the best of the bunch right now. Because not one of those others would have stood up to the pressure of the Americans and the rest of the world even as much as he has. Not that he has stood up to them enough. Not nearly. But Ben Gvir and Smotrich, to say nothing of the others in Israel’s political world, would have folded like a cheap book of matches within weeks. If not days.
There is one man right now who is not currently in the political arena, though he aspires to it, who has sufficient Jewish pride, Jewish awareness, Jewish identity, and Jewish spine to not only stand up to the nations of the world, but to simply go ahead and do what needs to be done, and let the rest of the world come to terms with it.
His name is Moshe Feiglin, and he’s the head of the Zehut (Identity) Party.
He’s not a perfect man. No such thing exists. I don’t agree with everything he says or does. But he is the only leader on the skin of this planet who is capable of actually leading us as we should be led. Who has the will and the wit and the wisdom to make us the nation we’re supposed to be, and not a bunch of pathetic exile-minded Juden, terrified of what people will think of us, and desperately wanting to fit in with “the cool kids” like the US and Europe.
If I sound angry, it’s because I am angry. None of this should have happened. We should never have let it happen. We fought in Gaza in 2007 and 2014 and 2018, and the very fact that there’s a single Fakestinian left in our land after that is a huge neon sign on our backs that says, “Kick me”. Except that in Arabic, that means “butcher me” and “rape me”.
We desecrate God’s holy Name every single moment that we allow this travesty to continue. And there’s a price to that.
So is Dean right? Is “Bring them home” a legitimate slogan? No. He’s wrong. Because within the current paradigm, it’s blaming the wrong people.
And in a correct paradigm, it doesn’t even need to be said.
The lion doesn’t cut it anymore. We need to act like hornets. Just swarm and sting everyone, no mercy, until the world realizes it’s better to leave us alone. Our enemies will not stop until they have murdered us all. They have told us this. Kill one of us, our response needs to be extreme. When someone tells you who they are it’s probably better to believe what they say. As Golda Meir would have put it, if the choice was between a respected dead Israeli and a hated living Israeli, her choice would have been hated and alive Israeli.
Before defying the Americans—note well “before” not “instead of”—Israel must (and can) become self-sufficient in military air, and other critical arms.