Hi. I don’t disagree with you. But in the short term how would Israel replace the arms, funds from the U.S. if they were withheld due to Israel doing everything it needs to end Hamas? I think that’s what has held Israel back from total victory throughout its history.
We had no arms from the US during the Six Day War. In fact, it wasn't until after the Six Day War, which the US had strictly forbidden us from engaging in, that the US started its "special relationship" with us. Which has mostly been for the purpose of leashing us.
Consider Obama. Not a friend of Israel. But he made one of the biggest "aid" commitments to us ever. If not *the* biggest. Why? Because the limitations it placed on us, and because of the economic disincentives for us to make our own weapons.
The US has actually been embargoing a lot of the weapons that we've actually *bought* and paid for, weapons that we really need. And that, during a hot war. Obama in his day withheld Iron Dome rockets during the 2014 Gaza war, and those are literally as purely defensive as you can get.
The truth is, we can always find reasons *not* to do what must be done. If there's not enough out there to scare us, we can come up with things ourselves. But every time we've said, "The hell with it, we're going to do what we have to do", it's worked out. They didn't want us to declare the state in 1948, but we did. They didn't want us to take out Egypt's airforce in 1967, but we did. They didn't want us to go into Gaza, into Rafah, into Lebanon, into Syria, into Iran, and we've done all of those.
This is why I commend Netanyahu (within the current paradigm). Because he's going ahead and doing things even when they say not to. The problem is that even if he can stand up to them, he can't stand up to the Milevsky in his soul. The ghetto Jew who wants more than anything just to be accepted. He wrote a book called "A Nation Among Nations". But God said we're a nation that stands alone.
Every morning, in the shacharit davening, we say the verse, "These come with chariots, these come with horses, but we recall the Name of God." But I don't know how many of us actually mean it. We got big heads after 1967. "The Myth of the Israeli Super-Soldier". It looked like healthy self-esteem, but it wasn't really. It was vain and boastful. No country our size, facing Egypt and Jordan and Syria, was going to do what we did in under a week. We didn't just take the land that was ours in 1948. We didn't just take the Sinai. We were on the outskirts of Cairo and Damascus. We *chose* to stop there. And then we made the decision not to win. Not to force peace. To back away and say, "See? We *could* have done it."
It's like when we took telephoto pictures of Arafat in Lebanon during the first Lebanon war, and sent them to him. Our intent was to say, "That could just as easily have been a bullet." What he heard was, "You didn't have the stones to shoot."
Sometimes, what we need is a leap of faith. And right now, our leadership doesn't have any.
Hi. I don’t disagree with you. But in the short term how would Israel replace the arms, funds from the U.S. if they were withheld due to Israel doing everything it needs to end Hamas? I think that’s what has held Israel back from total victory throughout its history.
We had no arms from the US during the Six Day War. In fact, it wasn't until after the Six Day War, which the US had strictly forbidden us from engaging in, that the US started its "special relationship" with us. Which has mostly been for the purpose of leashing us.
Consider Obama. Not a friend of Israel. But he made one of the biggest "aid" commitments to us ever. If not *the* biggest. Why? Because the limitations it placed on us, and because of the economic disincentives for us to make our own weapons.
The US has actually been embargoing a lot of the weapons that we've actually *bought* and paid for, weapons that we really need. And that, during a hot war. Obama in his day withheld Iron Dome rockets during the 2014 Gaza war, and those are literally as purely defensive as you can get.
The truth is, we can always find reasons *not* to do what must be done. If there's not enough out there to scare us, we can come up with things ourselves. But every time we've said, "The hell with it, we're going to do what we have to do", it's worked out. They didn't want us to declare the state in 1948, but we did. They didn't want us to take out Egypt's airforce in 1967, but we did. They didn't want us to go into Gaza, into Rafah, into Lebanon, into Syria, into Iran, and we've done all of those.
This is why I commend Netanyahu (within the current paradigm). Because he's going ahead and doing things even when they say not to. The problem is that even if he can stand up to them, he can't stand up to the Milevsky in his soul. The ghetto Jew who wants more than anything just to be accepted. He wrote a book called "A Nation Among Nations". But God said we're a nation that stands alone.
Every morning, in the shacharit davening, we say the verse, "These come with chariots, these come with horses, but we recall the Name of God." But I don't know how many of us actually mean it. We got big heads after 1967. "The Myth of the Israeli Super-Soldier". It looked like healthy self-esteem, but it wasn't really. It was vain and boastful. No country our size, facing Egypt and Jordan and Syria, was going to do what we did in under a week. We didn't just take the land that was ours in 1948. We didn't just take the Sinai. We were on the outskirts of Cairo and Damascus. We *chose* to stop there. And then we made the decision not to win. Not to force peace. To back away and say, "See? We *could* have done it."
It's like when we took telephoto pictures of Arafat in Lebanon during the first Lebanon war, and sent them to him. Our intent was to say, "That could just as easily have been a bullet." What he heard was, "You didn't have the stones to shoot."
Sometimes, what we need is a leap of faith. And right now, our leadership doesn't have any.